Beijing Jishuitan Hospital

A) Clinical Activities / Exposure

浏览次数: 467
A) Clinical Activities / Exposure

Our clinical statistics have proved that there are adequate clinical materials as well as wide spectrum of exposure to our trainees. Our workload is at the steady level, together with the inter-departmental activities, we are very confident that there are adequate clinical materials for proper training.

Trainer-trainee Ratio and Supervision

At the present moment, the ratio is 82 trainers vs 45 trainees. The trainers have daily ward round with the trainees. Operations are under close supervision. The trainer also takes active role in the emergency call services (two-tier system) which can ensure quality services.

Now, in JST Hospital , there are two the training programmes, the one set by Peking University and Beijing Health Bureau , which is a pattern of 3( basic training)+2(higher training), and the one set by the HKCOS and RCSEd(ortho) since 2007 of which the higher training is 4 years.

Program and test for Basic Trainee (3 Years)



8 months

general surgery

10 months

surgical specialty

(2 months for each subspecialty)

1. urology

2. thoracic surgery

3. aneasthesiology

4. neurosurgery

5. ICU


3months for each subspecialty

1. Orthopaedic trauma

2. Hand surgery

3. Adult joint reconstruction

4. Spine surgery

5. Paediatric orthopaedics

6. Orthopaedic oncology

The surgical log books will be reviewed regularly to ensure adequate surgical exposure to the trainee.

Each trainee must achieve a mark from the director in every department he/she attached which must surpass the lowest standard Peking University established for the surgical trainees in the its teaching hospitals. After 3 years of basic training trainees are required to sit a final test targeting for the basic trainees organized by Peking University that is crucial in determination whether the trainee is entitled to higher orthopaedic training.

Program and test for Higher Trainee (2 Years)

The successful candidates in the final test will receive the higher training program which has a roughly same rotation timetable throughout the teaching hospitals affiliated to Peking university but differs a little bit according to each department.

1st year

12 months orthopaedic subspecialty

(including 3 months A&E)

2nd year

12 months chief resident in one of the orthopedic specialties

After 2 years of higher surgical training the higher trainees are also required to sit a final test organized by Peking University which determines whether the trainee can get promotion in the teaching hospital of Peking university.

Since JST Hospital became a training center accredited by HKCOS and RCSEd in 2007, the trainees who have passed the intermediate examination held in HK will enter the 4-year higher training programme.

Higher Orthopaedic training programme(4 years)



12 months


6 months

Paediatric orthopaedic(including the training of paediatric trauma)


Adult Joint Reconstruction

6 months

Spine( including the training of spinal trauma and spinal rehabilitation)

3 months

.Orthopaedic Oncology

3 months

Sports Medicine

3 months

Hand Surgery(including hand rehabilitation)

9 months

Elective rotations of trainees choice ( including 6 months spent in approved centers in HK)