Department of Hand Surgery

Research Project


Hand Surgery Department

The novel research about OBPP and its late deformities

The novel research about the diagnosis and treatment of the BPI

The diagnosis of the BPI

The mechanism of the terminal-lateral regeneration of the peripheral nerve: The morphological research

Series research about tendon allograft

Research about Kienbock’s disease

Imaging characters of the wrist and shoulder joint

The study of wrist ligment

Manufacture and usage of the absorbable and solidarable implants for hand fractures

Series research about tendon allograft

Series research about tendon allograft

The research about compound allograft of tendon

The research and usage of compound allograft of tendon

Tendon adhesions after allograft

Using MRI to evaluate peripheral nerve injury

Using Prostaglandin E1 to deal with the micro-vascular spasm

The pharmaco-dynamics research after applying prostaglandin E1 young paste in local site

Using Bfarr to ameliorate small vasospasm: preliminary -experiment (animal)

Bioo-mechanics analysis for various suturing method of the flexor tendon

Bio-mechanics analysis for the flexor tendon

Nature history about the scaphoid nonunion

Using glycerine to protect tendon: Methodology research

Capital-lunate joint instability

Using tissue engineering method to construct ganglion to influence the peripheral nerve regeneration

The function of sympathetic nerve in the convultion Brain paralysis

The mechanism research of using immunity inhibitor to accelerate peripheral nerve regeneration

Bacterium study investigation for open hand injury

Clinical research of contralateral C7 transfer to repair multiple nerves for reconstruction of the whole function of upper limb

Novel external fixator for first web contracture

Chinese Scaphoid dimensions with reference to screw fixation

Pathophysiological study of macrodactyly