Department of Hand Surgery

Congenital hand and upper limb deformities


Congenital hand and upper limb deformities

Congenital hand and upper limb deformities is a common anomaly of the newborn with an incidence of approximally1 in 1000. About 400 cases of congenital hand deformity receive surgery in Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital, including common anomalies such as syndactyly, polydactyly, thumb hypoplasia, radial club hand arthrogryposis, congenital ring contraction and cleft hand. The hand surgeons here are also experience in the management of some rare conditions such as macrodactyly / hemihypertrophy, mirror hand, Madelung deformity, and Apert syndrome. The hand surgery department is in a national leading position for the management of Congenital hand and upper limb deformities.

mirror hand

Ollier's disease post-op

Ollier's disease Pre-op

Thumb duplication